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Include some data examples in your package

Pre-Simulation functions

Formatting data functions

Taxa assignation function

# library(dplyr)
# datafile <- system.file("BesePopTest.rds", package = "RITHMS")
# ToyData <- readRDS(datafile)
# assign_taxa(founder_object = ToyData,
#             taxa_g = 0.2)

Calibration of genetic effect


Useful functions

Main function

Get functions

Plot functions

Inflate your package

You’re one inflate from paper to box. Build your package from this very Rmd using fusen::inflate()

  • Verify your "DESCRIPTION" file has been updated
  • Verify your function is in "R/" directory
  • Verify your test is in "tests/testthat/" directory
  • Verify this Rmd appears in "vignettes/" directory